Honey & Agave
2-5 cups honey or agave
1/2-1 ounce herbs
1 heaping tablespoon of coconut oil per cup of honey/agave (example: if using 2 cups of honey/agave use two heaping tablespoons of coconut oil)
1 tablespoon soy or sunflower lecithin
*make sure to remove the plastic cup inside the herbal infuser prior to using the machine
1. Decarboxylate herbs in preheated oven at 250 degree Fahrenheit for 25 minutes.
2. Remove herbs from oven.
3. Warm honey or agave and coconut oil on stove on low medium just until liquid is runny.
4. Place herbs into Herbal Infuser.
5. Pour honey or agave and coconut oil mixture into infuser making certain to use enough to fill minimum line (at least 2 cups liquid)
6. Secure lid onto Herbal Infuser.
7. Plug power cord into infuser then into outlet.
8. Press Mighty Fast 2 (90 minute) cycle.
9. When cycle is completed, unplug infuser. Carefully remove lid and strain contents through included strainer. Use organic hemp filter if further filtration is desired.
10. Store Mighty Fast Infused Honey or Mighty Fast Infused Agave in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Should keep at least 6 months.