Mighty HI Chips


1/2 cup Mighty Fast olive oil or butter

4 large tortillas

Spices: salt, pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, sugar


After infusing olive oil or butter in The Mighty Fast Herbal Infuser, set aside above amount to cool. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Using a pizza cutter, carefully slice tortillas in half. Slice in half again and then again until 12 tortilla chips are formed from each tortilla. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper. Place tortilla chips on baking sheets. Using a cooking brush, lightly coat the top of each tortilla chip with oil or butter. Sprinkle on salt, pepper and cayenne to taste or cinnamon and sugar to taste. Place trays in oven and bake for 5-10 minutes or until lightly golden. Carefully remove from oven and gently flip each chip over. Using the brush, gently coat other side of chip with oil or butter and sprinkle on spices. Place back in oven for 5 more minutes or until golden and crunchy. Remove from oven and allow to cool on wire rack. Eat chips plain or with Mighty Hummus or Mighty Guacamole.